Twin Ion Engine starfighter

The Twin Ion Engine (T.I.E.) starfighter from Republic Sienar Systems was the predecessor to the Imperial TIE starfighter and its numerous variations.

Key Attributes

This starfighter marked the initial use of the iconic design featuring a spherical cockpit nestled between vertical wings. Its overall form bore a striking resemblance to the models that followed.

Historical Context

The origins of the T.I.E. can be traced back to a courier design created by Raith Sienar's Sienar Design Systems prior to 32 BBY. This design ultimately led to Darth Maul's ship, the Scimitar. It's important to note that the Scimitar was a large, sophisticated runner, not a compact, mass-produced starfighter. The Advanced Project ship, a prototype starfighter, represented the next development stage, with Sienar constructing the newest and smallest iteration by 29 BBY.

Raith Sienar reveals the SIE-TIE engine design to the galaxy, the radical propulsion system around which the T.I.E. starfighter would soon be built.

However, it took another seven years before Sienar unveiled the final piece of the T.I.E. puzzle: the SIE-TIE twin ion engine. This powerful and innovative propulsion system received official endorsement from Republic Sienar Systems shortly before the First Battle of Geonosis and the beginning of the Clone Wars. This development paved the way for the ultimate starfighter design, positioning Republic Sienar Systems favorably when the Republic sought a new, standardized starfighter for mass production during the Clone Wars.

The T.I.E.'s production commenced as part of the Republic Navy's initiative to standardize its starfighter capabilities. The goal was to create fighters that could be deployed from the limited spaces available on existing warships like the Dreadnaught-class and Carrack-class cruisers.

Despite its incompatibility with existing hyperdrive, life-support, and shield systems, the T.I.E. offered exceptional affordability and speed. It could also be compactly stored in converted cargo bays or external launch racks aboard the Navy's existing combat vessels. Over time, the original T.I.E. evolved into the TIE starfighter, which was eventually superseded by the TIE/LN starfighter, the Galactic Empire's primary starfighter model.


Additional Information
