Authored by Bill Slavicsek and Curtis Smith, The Star Wars Sourcebook, in its second iteration, serves as a sourcebook. West End Games released it in June of 1994, marking it as the updated version of the original The Star Wars Sourcebook that came out in 1987.
This book provides a wealth of details about the Star Wars world. It includes sections on spacecraft systems in general, starfighters, capital ships, space transports, droids, repulsorlift vehicles, Imperial ground assault vehicles, diverse aliens, various creatures, standard equipment, lightsabers, stormtroopers, Rebel bases, Imperial garrisons, along with profiles of the prominent heroes and villains featured in the initial film trilogy.
- The Star Wars Galaxy
- The Star Wars Sourcebook
- Hyperdrives
- Sublight Drives
- Armament and Shields Laser and Blaster Cannon Turbolasers Ion Cannons Proton and Concussion Weapons Tractor Beams Shields
- Sensors Common Military Sensor Types Sensor Countermeasures
- Life Support
- Escape Equipment Ejection Seats Escape Pod
- Space Barges ( X-23 StarWorker )
- Stock Light Freighters ( YT-1300 light freighter )
- Millennium Falcon
- Bulk Freighters ( Action IV transport )
- Container Ships ( Super Transport XI )
- Passenger Liners ( Lady of Mindor ) Booking Passage Small Passenger Ships Luxury Liners
- Rebel Transports
- Personal Weapons and Armor
- Melee Weapons Gaderffii Knives Bayonets Vibroblades Force Pikes
- Ranged Weapons Rifles, Pistols, Machineguns Blasters Stun Guns Bowcaster
- Heavy Weapons Laser and Ion Cannons Torpedoes and Missiles
- Explosives
- Personal Armor
- Clothing
- Shelters Survival tents Housing
- Tools
- Medical Equipment Medpacs Bacta Tanks Cyborging
- Miscellaneous Ammo Bandolier Macrobinoculars
- Standard Ground Facilities Supply Cache Surveillance Post Recon Base Outpost Operational Base Port Headquarters Base Colony
- Base Construction
- Tierfon Rebel Outpost & Starfighter Squadron (X-wing)