
"Tigress" designated a Rebel agent working undercover in The Core. She posed as a librarian within the Imperial Archives. She proved to be a vital asset, providing highly accurate intelligence, exceeding 80%, to Alliance Intelligence. Following the Battle of Yavin, she developed a friendship with Lady Amber Comark, the daughter of Imperial Moff Jesco Comark from Chandrila. Regrettably, their relationship ended abruptly when Tigress was exposed, apprehended, and ultimately executed after interrogation. Lady Comark only found out about her friend's fate through her father.

Disturbed by the Empire's ruthlessness, Lady Comark decided to commemorate her deceased friend's actions. She assumed the identity of "Tigress," resuming the transmissions to Alliance Intelligence. However, Comark lacked the training of a seasoned spy, resulting in information of significantly reduced value to the Alliance. This decline in reliability, coupled with the interruption in regular communications caused by the original "Tigress"' demise, aroused suspicion within the Alliance, who thought she was a double agent. The truth was eventually revealed when SpecOps operatives made contact with "Tigress" while probing Operation Death-Hunter.

