Timeline of canon media

This timeline is designed to present canon media that are narrative-driven, arranged according to their in-universe chronological order. This compilation encompasses various forms of media, including movies, TV episodes, novels, comic books, short stories, video games, and supplementary promotional materials.

When deciding which Star Wars canon media to include on this timeline, several specific requirements are taken into account:

  • The media must present a direct narrative story that unfolds within the universe. This means that reference books, visual guides, and art books are excluded from this list. Similarly, in-universe media lacking a narrative, such as replica journals, are also not included.
  • Please consult the Canon policy to understand how a particular Star Wars work is classified as part of the current canon continuity.
  • Books fulfilling all the above criteria are included regardless of their intended audience age group. However, the timeline differentiates between Novels, Junior Novels, and Young Readers books. Novels are exclusively published by Del Rey Books, Random House Worlds, Egmont UK, or Disney–Lucasfilm Press, with the latter also publishing the majority of Junior Novels and Young Readers books.
  • The categorization of books as either Junior Novels or Young Readers relies on age ranges provided by Disney Publishing Worldwide's online catalogue, although these age ranges can sometimes be inconsistent and unreliable.
  • All video games are considered canon, irrespective of their platform or gameplay style.

This timeline offers sorting and filtering options based on various details, such as media format and in-universe dates, using the 'ABY-BBY' dating system. In-universe or publication eras, like the Imperial Era, have been omitted due to their inconsistent application by Lucasfilm.

The arrangement of media within the timeline follows in-universe chronological order. To maintain accuracy, it is essential to provide sources when including dates. The chronological order within the timeline is determined by the following criteria:

  • Entries are ordered based on the start of the "main events," as defined in the Layout Guide.
  • Official sources for timeline placements take precedence over "logical" placements.
  • The listing order for full adaptations is as follows: Film, Novel, Junior Novel, Young Readers, Graphic Novel, Comic Book Miniseries.
  • Short story anthologies are divided into individual titles and positioned according to story-specific dates. However, anthologies with a consistent connecting narrative throughout the stories are treated as a single entry.

† - Precise placement is currently unknown.

A list of canon media not yet included on the timeline is maintained here.


Unknown placement

Notes and references
