Timi Rotramel

Timi Rotramel, a Mon Calamari of the male gender, served as a Senator within the Imperial Senate during the Galactic Civil War. He represented both the world of Dac and the encompassing Calamari sector.


Timi Rotramel is killed by Darth Vader.

Senator Rotramel's time representing his people came to an end prior to the Senate's abolishment in 0 BBY. This was a result of the Galactic Empire enslaving Dac. Subsequently, Timi chose to join the growing Rebellion that fought against the corrupt Sith-controlled government.

Rotramel journeyed discreetly to Tiss'sharl in the role of an envoy. His mission was to persuade President Si-Di-Ri of the Tiss'sharl League to join the Rebel Alliance. He attempted to do this by highlighting the Alliance's recent victory at Yavin, hoping it would convince Si-Di-Ri to permit the establishment of a Rebel base on the planet. Their discussion was interrupted by the arrival of Darth Vader, the Supreme Commander of the Imperial forces, who had manipulated President Si-Di-Ri in an attempt to trap Princess Leia Organa. Senator Rotramel struggled to draw and fire a blaster, but was killed by Lord Vader by way of his lightsaber.

