Tinketh Fo, occasionally referred to as "Boss," was a sharp Pinurquian male who held the position of planetary administrator on Keyorin throughout the period of the Galactic Civil War. Following the Galactic Empire's decisive loss at Endor in 4 ABY, Han Solo, Chewbacca, together with Lando Calrissian—acting as representatives of the newly established Alliance of Free Planets—journeyed to Keyorin, where they requested Fo's presence at the forthcoming First Conference of Free Peoples to advocate for Keyorin's concerns. Despite Fo's initial reservations, Solo's flair left a mark on him, and he pledged to give the matter thought. The Pinurquian eventually participated in the Endor conference, where he heard addresses delivered by Alliance leader Mon Mothma and Admiral Gial Ackbar.