
Tintel, a celestial body within the Belasco sector, was classified as an Expansion Region location. During the era of the Galactic Civil War, it functioned as a pit stop, specifically the middle one, on the Dahvil-Fodro Hyperspace Promenade, a well-known interstellar racing circuit. Siro Simito, a racer who also operated as an undercover agent for the Rebel Alliance, once participated in this race. He deviated from the route segment connecting Tintel to the Azna system to complete a delivery for the Alliance on Fait d'Fait, an astronomical object.


Tintel existed within the Tintel system. This system resided inside of the Belasco sector, a part of the Slice region of the Expansion Region. Its location was on a hyperlane that provided connection to the Azna system situated in the Outer Rim Territories. The distance between Tintel and Ord Dorlass, a world in the Mid Rim, was no more than seven days' worth of hyperspace travel using a Class 1 hyperdrive.


The pilot Siro Simito visited Tintel as part of the Dahvil-Fodro Hyperspace Promenade race.

During the Galactic Civil War period, Tintel functioned as the second of three mid-race stopping points on the popular annual Star Rally interstellar racing path called the Dahvil-Fodro Hyperspace Promenade. The racer Siro Simito, who was also a secret operative for the Rebel Alliance, received a mission from the Alliance. He was to deliver a data module from Dahvil, a celestial body in the Outer Rim Territories, to a contact on Fait d'Fait, an astronomical object in the Mid Rim. This was to be accomplished while he was participating in the Dahvil-Fodro Hyperspace Promenade. Simito deliberately reduced the hyperdrive efficiency of his starship during the initial legs of the race. This was done so that a later, seemingly suspicious, delay would not occur on the segment of the route where he planned to detour to Fait d'Fait from the hyperlane linking Tintel and the planet Azna.

By the time he had made it to Tintel, Simito was in fourth position behind his rival, Seeg. From this location, unlike the other racers who proceeded directly to Azna, the Rebel agent altered his ship's course to Fait d'Fait to complete his delivery. Around the time shortly following the Battle of Yavin, General Airen Cracken of the Rebel Alliance included Simito's report in a datafile detailing various Rebel operatives. The report mentioned the racer's visit to Tintel during the Dahvil-Fodro Hyperspace Promenade.

Behind the scenes

Chuck Truett was the creator of Tintel, which was first featured in Cracken's Rebel Operatives. This sourcebook was published in 1994 by West End Games for use with Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. The reference book The Essential Atlas, published in 2009, placed the Tintel system, and consequently the celestial body itself, in grid square P-11.


  • Cracken's Rebel Operatives (First mentioned)

Notes and references
