
Tohno, a female Human, held the rank of Jedi Padawan during the Galactic Republic's decline in its final years. She received instruction from a Jedi in both engineering and architecture before the Clone Wars began. With the outbreak of war, she became a commander within the Grand Army, fighting for the Galactic Republic. Jedi Masters Oppo Rancisis and Mace Windu tasked her with accompanying Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi to the planet of Zaadja.

Tohno's mission was to infiltrate a Separatist facility and detonate explosives, thereby destroying the base. While Kenobi and Skywalker orchestrated a diversion utilizing their command over clone troopers, Tohno successfully breached the defenses. However, a Geonosian sentry detected her presence, alerting the base. As she progressed towards the generator room, Skywalker piloted an infantry gunship in an attempt to extract her. Tohno, however, convinced Skywalker to return to Kenobi and the clones so that she could complete her mission. While battling the guards, Tohno used telekinesis to throw her lightsaber at her dropped explosives pack, sacrificing herself to guarantee the Separatist facility's destruction.


Tohno, during her infiltration of the droid factory on Zaadja

Born in the final decades of the Galactic Republic, Tohno was a female Human. The Jedi Order trained her in the Force's ways, and she eventually became a Jedi Master's apprentice. During her apprenticeship, Tohno dedicated her time to the study of engineering and architecture. When the Clone Wars began in 22 BBY, Tohno and her Master fought for the Galactic Republic within its Grand Army. Early in the war, her master perished, leaving her without a mentor to guide her training.

As the Separatist Droid Army rapidly expanded its forces, a multitude of installations began supplying the Separatists with war matériel and droids. One such installation was the manufacturing facility located on the planet of Zaadja. Approximately eighteen months after the Battle of Geonosis, the Republic devised strategies to eliminate these factories. One such plan involved an assault on the Geonosian plant on Zaadja. Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, and Tohno, along with an army of clone troopers, were dispatched to seize control of the manufacturing world.

Masters Oppo Rancisis and Mace Windu developed and approved the Republic's battle strategy. Kenobi and Skywalker were assigned to lead a large-scale attack against Separatist forces as a diversion, while Tohno received the primary mission. She was to infiltrate the Geonosian facility, which served as both the planet's headquarters and the droid factory, and destroy it with explosives. Tohno was chosen because of her prior studies in engineering and architecture, which enabled her to analyze Zaadja's unique structures and determine the optimal placement of explosives for maximum damage. After a successful initial infiltration, her mission required her to identify the most vulnerable pathways and tunnels, then strategically place explosives to ensure the structure's swift collapse.

Tohno's sacrifice

Tohno successfully infiltrated the fortress, only to discover a nest of Geonosians lying in wait. Using the Force to mask her movements, she bypassed most of the nest, but a sentry spotted her before she could set the explosives. Sensing Tohno's peril, Skywalker assured her that he was inbound with an infantry gunship. However, Tohno ordered Skywalker and the other Republic forces to remain outside the droid factory, even though her mission's success would mean her own death. Despite Skywalker's continued pleas to assist her, Tohno convinced him that her sacrifice was necessary for the mission's success. Skywalker reluctantly obeyed. Although eventually overwhelmed by Geonosian guards, Tohno used her lightsaber to detonate the explosives she carried, sacrificing herself to ensure the Separatist fortress's destruction.

Personality and traits

Tohno, a Human female, typically wore brown Jedi robes along with a red cloak. Her lightsaber contained a green crystal. She possessed light-colored skin, red hair, and green eyes. During the Zaadja mission, Tohno demonstrated her understanding of the Force in her interactions with Anakin Skywalker, who was allowing his emotions to dictate his actions. When discovered by the enemy, she remained calm and fought with great skill, warning Skywalker to resist his emotions and remain in position. She believed Skywalker's duty lay with his clone troopers and the Republic's future, not with her.

Powers and abilities

Tohno exercising telekinetic lightsaber combat.

Tohno's expertise in engineering and architecture proved invaluable during the Zaadja mission, enabling her to infiltrate the Separatists' base. She also displayed her lightsaber skills, neutralizing numerous enemies within the Separatist facility. Furthermore, Tohno possessed the rare Force ability of telekinetic lightsaber combat. Her infiltration of the droid factory on Zaadja provided her with the opportunity to utilize this talent when confronted by large groups of Geonosians. During her last stand, Tohno used the Force to hurl her lightsaber at her remaining explosives, triggering a chain reaction that destroyed the entire compound.

Behind the scenes

Randy Stradley conceived Tohno for the standalone comic Forever Young, the sixty-seventh issue of the Star Wars: Republic comic series. Brandon Badeaux provided the artwork. Tohno received a mention in The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia's entry concerning the planet Zaadja.

