Captain Tola, a male Mon Calamari of stoic demeanor, held the position of commanding officer aboard the New Hope during the Galactic Civil War.
While positioned in orbit above Milagro, the New Hope found itself under attack from an Imperial Star Destroyer. Awaiting the arrival of reinforcements, Tola focused on allocating resources for repair efforts as the New Hope sustained damage. He issued an order to bring the backup antenna online. Mon Mothma, having just stepped out of the shower, arrived on the bridge, where Tola updated her on the situation: the ship was maintaining its position over Milagro, its shields were offline, but the hull was intact; the attacking vessel was positioned on the far side of the star system, beyond the range of their scanner, and they were attempting to defend against smaller starfighters.
Upon the arrival of Luke Skywalker and the Moldy Crow in the system, who confirmed the location and damaged state of the Star Destroyer, Mon Mothma instructed Tola to inform Han Solo and prepare for a counterattack against the Destroyer. Despite Mothma's civilian status, Tola complied with her request.
Located twenty thousand clicks from the Star Destroyer, Tola continued to oversee the repair operations. Following the depressurization of gate twelve, he directed additional power to thruster number six. He reassured Mothma and Leia that a victory was possible if the Destroyer sustained the expected damage. The Imperial Captain, Purdy M. Trico, prepared to engage them, and, aware that both ships lacked shields, ordered his gunners to commence firing.
Shortly thereafter, Solo reported that the Star Destroyer's escort had altered its formation and its shields were down. Mothma, learning from her previous actions, waited for Tola's decision, as did the rest of the crew. Tola concurred with Solo's assessment, and seized the opportunity to engage the Imperial ship.
In Dark Forces: Jedi Knight, Tola is identified as a Calamari Captain. In the audio adaptation, Stephen Yoakam provided Tola's voice, which was portrayed as a typical human voice.