Totem Master's ring

The Totem Master's ring possessed significant power, affording its wearer the capability to dominate the wills of others. Furthermore, the ring could transform people into wooden figures. The sole known wielder of this artifact was the Totem Master, a rogue operating on the forest moon of Endor; he employed it to assemble a small group of coerced individuals who assisted him in plundering settlements. To conceal these thralls, the Totem Master organized them into a totem pole, presenting it as a gift to unaware communities. Subsequently, the ring was employed to disassemble the totem pole, unleashing the slaves to pillage the village. In a confrontation with Ewoks hailing from Bright Tree Village, the Totem Master projected the ring's energy at a mirror held by Wicket W. Warrick, causing it to reflect back upon him. The ring's beam struck the Totem Master, transforming him into a substantial wooden block. Becoming an immobile entity, the ring detached from the Totem Master's hand and fragmented into numerous small pieces upon impact with the earth.

