The Totem Pole as crafted by the Totem Master.
A totem pole could be described as a tall, timber column adorned with various creature sculptures stacked vertically. The Totem Master asserted that these totem poles served as symbolic protection against malevolent forces for villages situated on the forest moon of Endor. While the Lizard Warriors inhabiting the Valley of the Lizard Warriors employed totem poles to demarcate their territorial limits, it remained uncertain whether these poles also functioned as a deterrent against evil entities.
The specific totem pole utilized by the Totem Master as he traveled from village to village was, in fact, composed of living beings. These beings had been enslaved through the power of a magic ring. By directing the ring's power towards other creatures, the Totem Master could unleash a surge of energy, transforming them into solid wood figures. After arranging his enslaved victims in a vertical stack, the Totem Master would deceptively portray the structure as a mere totem pole, concealing the presence of his unwilling captives. Among the creatures forming the Totem Master's totem pole were a green arthropod, a blue biped, and a brown biped. The Totem Master would then leave his totem pole with unsuspecting villagers, and as night descended, his Totem Slaves would break free from the pole and begin to pillage the village.
The Totem Master experiences his own transformation into a totem pole.
Following a theft from Bright Tree Village, the Totem Master augmented his totem pole with two additional figures: the Ewoks, Teebo and Latara. Subsequently, upon presenting his totem pole to the next village, known as the Strutter's, the Totem Master found himself under attack by the Ewoks, Wicket Wystri Warrick and Kneesaa a Jari Kintaka, who had arrived to liberate their companions. During the ensuing pursuit, the Totem Master inadvertently transformed himself into a totem, which broke the spell he had cast, thereby freeing all of his enslaved victims.