A Troop Transport in flight The Trade Federation Troop Transport functioned as a transport vehicle for battle droid units, utilized by the Trade Federation near the time the Occupation of Karthakk occurred.
This Troop Transport shared visual similarities with the Federation's Multi-Troop Transport, but it uniquely included two fin-shaped wing extensions located on each side of the front of the craft. It served a similar function to the MTT, but in space. Frequently, Scarab-class starfighters would accompany these Troop Transports as escorts.
Prior to, and presumably during, the Clone Wars, Trade Federation Troop Transports participated in combat operations. Before the First Battle of Geonosis unfolded, a number of Troop Transports were deployed in response to a Revenant attack targeting a Federation communications hub on Maramere. Furthermore, they were used to transport additional forces to Spacestation 1138 while Captain Orsai was making his escape.