Trade Wins: The Ranat's Tale

title: "Trade Wins: The Ranat's Tale"

"Trade Wins: The Ranat's Tale" is a brief narrative penned by Rebecca Moesta. It appears in Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina, a collection released by Bantam Spectra in August of 1995. The story follows Reegesk and is set during 0 BBY.

Plot summary

Reegesk makes his way into Mos Eisley Cantina with the intention of trading various goods. His goal is to acquire a power source for an illicit vaporator that his tribe is constructing in secret, hoping to lessen their reliance on moisture farmers. He encounters a potential buyer in Het Nkik, who displays considerable interest in the Ranat's Tusken battle talisman during their negotiations, carefully examining it. Reegesk, in turn, desires Nkik's blaster. The Jawa, however, hesitates to part with his weapon, explaining that he cannot afford the talisman's full price until the following day, but provides a credit deposit after agreeing to a higher price than Reegesk initially anticipated.

Reegesk intends to hand over the talisman in the morning, but Nkik insists on having the artifact immediately; he promises to pay the remaining balance and provide the pistol to the Ranat on that same day. Despite the illegality of arming Ranats in the Outer Rim Territories, the Jawa places the blaster down for Reegesk's inspection. As Reegesk touches the blaster, a blaster shot from across the room suddenly grabs their attention, and they observe Greedo collapsing onto a table. Reegesk accepts the deal, redirecting Nkik's focus away from the deceased bounty hunter, who then retrieves the blaster from the Ranat before departing quietly and confidently. Shortly thereafter, Reegesk leaves the cantina, satisfied that he now possesses the ideal power supply for his tribe's vaporator, and pats the pilfered power pack hidden within his cloak.
