A trio of Trandoshan bounty hunters, distinguished by their matching attire, were active in the period shortly after the Galactic Empire's downfall. On the planet Arvala-7, this group of hunters set an ambush for Din Djarin, the Mandalorian bounty hunter, aiming to eliminate Grogu, who was in the Mandalorian's care. However, their efforts proved unsuccessful, as Din Djarin swiftly overcame the three Trandoshans and escaped with Grogu.

Around 9 ABY, these Trandoshans journeyed to Arvala-7 with the intention of capturing "Grogu," for whom "The Client" had offered a [bounty](/article/bounty]. Using a tracking fob, the Trandoshans located the child in the possession of Din Djarin, the Mandalorian [bounty hunter](/article/bounty_hunter]. They launched an ambush, wielding slaver blades, but the Mandalorian prevailed in the ensuing brief fight. One of the Trandoshans made a direct attack on Grogu, attempting to kill it, but the Mandalorian intervened, shooting and disintegrating the attacker. Following this, he found the dead bounty hunter's tracking fob.
The Trandoshan bounty hunter gang was initially hinted at in the second official trailer for The Mandalorian, the television show created by Jon Favreau. Their first full appearance was in "Chapter 2: The Child," which is the show's second episode. Rick Famuyiwa directed the episode, and it was broadcast on November 15 2019.