Tree Vikkilynn was an inhabited wroshyr tree and a part of the Wookiee settlement called Kachirho. Kachirho was located in the Wawaatt Archipelago on the planet Kashyyyk. The ancient Claatuvac Guild had their headquarters situated in this tree.
Several structures were located at the base of Tree Vikkilyn, such as the Ceremonial Entrance, a monitor for Air Traffic control, a Wroshyr Lice Distillery (where they made wroshyr lice syrup), and a platform for ceremonial speeches. The wastewater processing plant for the city was located at the base of the tree. Hangars for fluttercraft and oevvaors, as well as stables for sureggi, were situated in the roots.
As one ascended the tree, cargo and passenger landing platforms could be found, along with a fuel refinery that processed wroshyr sap and leaves. The city's main archive, as well as an armory and training area for warriors, were also located further up the tree.
At even greater heights, one could find manufactories, communication equipment, residential dwellings, a sap distillery (for the production of sapwater), a theater, and an entertainment complex. The uppermost section of the tree was reserved for religious shrines and the residences of the Tree Carers.