Tru'eb Cholakk was a Twi'lek smuggler of the male persuasion, and he collaborated professionally with Platt Okeefe. He was a tall individual who favored tunics of gray and black. His vocal quality was characterized by its depth and resonance, lending a note of dignified pride to his manner of speaking.

Tru'eb, born into the Rylothian city of Kala'uun as the son of a head-clan member, harbored aspirations of one day leading his people. Regrettably, his cousin Ku'amar orchestrated his abduction and subsequent delivery to slavers. Ultimately, he found himself in the service of Big Quince as a personal servant.
During his time in Big Quince's servitude, Tru'eb formed a bond with a Human slave girl named Platt Okeefe, and together they successfully escaped the grasp of the Sludir slaver. Okeefe imparted her knowledge of spaceship piloting to Tru'eb and assisted him in acquiring the Luudrian Star. Tru'eb specialized in the illicit trade of weaponry, providing crucial supplies to the Rebel Alliance, and he continued his service to the New Republic. His primary area of operation spanned the Outer Rim Territories and the Mid Rim. He also engaged in collaborative efforts with the mercenary group known as the Black Curs, under the command of Dirk Harkness. He was present at Gorkin's Rest when Harkness recounted the story of losing Chessa Dohhenty, the love of his life, and his subsequent decision to join the Rebels.
During a reconnaissance mission within the Core Worlds, he and the other members of the Black Curs suffered a crash landing on the planet Moorja. While Harkness departed to seek assistance, Cholakk remained behind with the Last Chance to defend the ship and aid in repair efforts. Following the capture of his colleague Platt Okeefe by Golthan, who took her to his stronghold, Cholakk enlisted the help of several individuals to mount a rescue operation. He transported them to the Black Curs' base and provided them with a briefing on their plan to rescue Okeefe. After the group managed to infiltrate and neutralize the defenses of Golthan's base, Cholakk piloted his freighter to extract the team.
Cholakk was related, albeit distantly, to Black Sun Vigo Lonay.