Lonay was a male Twi'lek Vigo within the Black Sun organization during the era when Prince Xizor held power, also being a cousin to Tru'eb Cholakk, a smuggler. He was known to be cunning, intelligent, yet also quite the coward. His lekku were styled in a way that they draped over his left shoulder, and he was frequently adorned with gaudy and ostentatious jewelry. His lack of courage was the reason he never rose to a leadership position within Black Sun.

Xizor tasked Lonay with the responsibility of silencing Kodo Finn, and to accomplish this, he hired the services of the Nashtah Gang. When the gang failed in their mission, Xizor vented his frustration and anger upon Lonay. Subsequently, Lonay played a role in saving the life of Mako Spince from the clutches of the NaQuoit Bandits and then arranged for Spince to be positioned as a traffic controller on Nar Shaddaa, serving as Black Sun's eyes and ears on the infamous Smuggler's Moon.
On the world of Talus, Lonay, with a desire to engage in a game of sabacc, made his way to the most prominent casino located in the city of Nashal. He found himself in a game against Kimmi Chyler, a well-known swoop racer, who, in a final showdown where Lonay had risked all of his credits, defeated him with a pure sabacc. Enraged by his loss, the vigo became furious, and his bodyguards were required to quickly remove him from the casino. However, after Chyler and her bodyguard exited the casino, they were confronted by Lonay and his thugs, where Lonay accused Chyler of cheating and claimed she possessed a skifter. Chyler and her companion immediately mounted a nearby swoop, but Lonay and his thugs pursued them in an XP-38 sport landspeeder. Following a high-speed chase through the streets of Talus, Chyler steered her swoop into a dead-end alley, with Lonay's speeder close behind. At maximum speed, she stood on the braking vanes and the swoop shot straight up out of the alley, while the speeder crashed hard into the wall. Chyler paused briefly to admire the wreckage, but Lonay could only shake his fist at her before she flew the swoop into the night.
The following day, Lonay was visited by an agent from the Imperial Security Bureau. Initially, his guards refused to allow the agent to speak with the Vigo, but Lonay instructed them to grant access after the agent stated he had been sent by Namman Cha. Embarrassed, and sporting bumps and bruises on his face, head, and arms from the speeder accident, he recounted his defeat to the Imperial and requested that he avenge his honor. The operative, needing Lonay's cooperation for his own investigation, agreed to the task. He soon returned to the Vigo, informing him that when confronted in an alley, Chyler had turned and fled, barely escaping with her life. Lonay was pleased with this outcome and then explained that the Imperial would find assistance from Wrenga Jixton on Corellia.