Kimmi Chyler, a relative of Tian Chyler, achieved the greatest success among female swoop racers throughout the time of the Galactic Civil War.
Originating from Corellia, Chyler had previously surpassed both Han Solo and Dengar on the Agrilat Swamp Circuit. Her achievements on the swoop course resulted in the development of a somewhat conceited attitude concerning her own abilities. She possessed a Flare-S swoop that was silver, red, and blue, and included custom thrusters as well as steering vanes that were the envy of her rivals.

During one championship event, Chyler engaged Dash Rendar, the captain of the Outrider, to supply transportation for both herself and her entire team. The Alliance to Restore the Republic had also made contact with Rendar regarding the transport of valuable goods as he journeyed from race to race on various planets. Following an encounter with an agent of the Imperial Security Bureau on Lok, the location where the Lok Marathon, the first race of the season, was being conducted, Rendar found himself compelled to hire additional security for both himself and his vessel.
During their journey from Lok to Rori, Chyler demonstrated her proficiency in sabacc, gambling for, and winning, every single credit from Rendar's bodyguard companion. She emerged victorious in the Narmle Memorial Rally, but upon returning to the Outrider's landing platform alongside Rendar, they noticed indications of a struggle. Despite Rendar's immediate caution regarding who might have attempted to board his ship, Chyler remained unconcerned.

On Talus, the location of the Nashal River Race, Chyler resolved to engage in a game of sabacc and, accompanied by Rendar's bodyguard, proceeded to the largest casino situated in the town of Nashal. She opted to share a table with Lonay, a vigo from Black Sun, and several hands unfolded without any disturbances. When the Twi'lek risked all of his credits on a decisive final hand, Chyler defeated him with a pure sabacc and commenced gathering her winnings. Despite Chyler's awareness of the vigo's importance, she remained indifferent, as making others appear inferior was part of her nature. The vigo became enraged by his loss, and his guards were forced to quickly escort him out of the casino. As Chyler and her bodyguard exited the casino, Lonay and his thugs confronted them, alleging that Chyler had a skifter. Before they could brandish their blasters, Chyler and her companion leaped onto a nearby swoop, with Lonay and his thugs in pursuit within an XP-38 sport landspeeder. Following a high-speed pursuit through the streets of Talus, Chyler maneuvered her swoop into a dead-end alley, with Lonay's speeder closely trailing behind. At maximum velocity, she engaged the braking vanes, causing the swoop to ascend vertically out of the alley, while the speeder collided forcefully with the wall. Chyler paused briefly to admire the wreckage before piloting the swoop back to the Outrider, maintaining her air of indifference regarding the encounter. Despite the team's scheduled departure the following day, Chyler still made time for additional sabacc games. After securing another victory in a different casino, she was about to depart when Lonay's agents accosted her in the alley. Chyler proved equally skilled with a concealed blaster as she was with a sabacc deck, eventually escaping into the night on her swoop.

On Corellia, at her home Agrilat Swamp Circuit track, Chyler dedicated more time than usual to preparing her swoop for the race. This effort contributed to her victory, much to the displeasure of Wrenga Jixton, who confronted her and her team shortly thereafter.
The final swoop race of the season was the Mos Espa Race on Tatooine. Kimmi had accumulated enough victories to secure the championship if she won at Mos Espa. Chyler received an invitation to an extravagant party hosted by Prince Xizor's Xizor Transport Company, who were seeking to sponsor a team. During the party, she conversed with Xizor and was influenced by his Falleen pheromones, which led her to develop a fleeting attraction towards him. Following the party, Chyler, Rendar, and their bodyguard made a stop at a cantina in Mos Espa, where Rendar met with Luke Skywalker and provided him with a datapad containing critical information. Skywalker remarked that the files would save numerous lives, at which point Xizor and his Human replica droid Guri entered the establishment. Xizor commanded Guri to seize the datapad and eliminate everyone present. The ensuing conflict spilled onto the streets of Mos Espa, where Skywalker employed his lightsaber to shield Chyler and her companions from incoming blaster fire. Ultimately, Xizor instructed Guri to retreat, promising to disclose all acquired information to the Emperor.