Tundan was the tongue employed by the Sorcerers of Tund, a group of Force users with Sith-blooded heritage hailing from the lush Force nexus that was Tund. Although the Sorcerers' origins can be traced back to Kissai outcasts who saw the death of Sith King Adas during the invasion of Korriban in 27,700 BBY as a call to turn away from the dark side, Tundan was regarded as separate from the Sith language by the time the Great Sith War occurred.
Individuals known to have spoken the Tundan language with some level of proficiency included Karnak Tetsu, a Sith Offshoot; Rokur Gepta, a Croke; and Darth Traya, a member of the Sith Triumvir. Furthermore, a Tundan version of Asenec's poem "The Gleam of Kiirium" served as the basis for the Galactic Basic Standard translation created by Kiekal Zzoh.
- The Dark Side Sourcebook
- Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide
- "KOTOR Campaign Guide Web Enhancement 5: Karnak Tetsu, Sorcerer of Tund" on Wizards.com (content now obsolete; backup link)
- Star Wars: The Essential Guide to Warfare Author's Cut, Part 3 - "Xim the Despot" on StarWars.com (article) (backup link)