Tuzes-Adaz's son

Tuzes-Adaz, who was the chief of the Nelvaanian village of Rokrul on Nelvaan, had a male offspring. Once this offspring reached maturity, all the adult male inhabitants of Nelvaan, excluding Orvos, the shaman of Rokrul, had been seized by the Techno Union and converted into cyborgs. Recognizing it was an opportune moment to prove himself, Tuzes-Adaz and her son promptly went into the forest to carry out the rite of passage for manhood, which involved obtaining a tail scale from the formidable horax. After locating a horax, the young Nelvaanian started to extract the scale. But, Anakin Skywalker, while in pursuit of General Grievous on Nelvaan, ended the horax's life by himself, unintentionally interfering with the young Nelvaanian's coming-of-age ritual.

