As chieftain of the Rokrul village on the planet Nelvaan, a world situated in the Outer Rim, Tuzes-Adaz was a Nelvaanian female during the Clone Wars. She was also the mother of several sons. During some point in that era, the Techno Union constructed a facility on Nelvaan, with the purpose of extracting geothermal energy from the planet.
This environmental disturbance deeply worried Tuzes-Adaz and her fellow Nelvaanians. They attributed the changes to an ailment affecting the Great Mother deity. In 19 BBY, she encountered the Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker and escorted them back to Rokrul to meet Orvos, the shaman. Orvos had foretold the arrival of an off-worlder who would save their world. Skywalker later defeated the Techno Union and destroyed their facility, proving Tuzes-Adaz's decision to be a wise one.
During the final years of the Galactic Republic, a Nelvaanian female named Tuzes-Adaz held the position of chieftain for the village of Rokrul, located on the Outer Rim planet of Nelvaan. She was also the mother of multiple sons. At one stage during the Clone Wars, the Techno Union, aligned with the Separatist cause, established a facility on Nelvaan to siphon the planet's geothermal energy. The chieftain and her warriors interpreted these environmental changes as a sickness plaguing the Great Mother, a religious deity revered by the villagers. The village's warriors set out to discover the source of the climate shift, but they were all captured by the Techno Union and subsequently mutated.

As the Clone Wars neared their conclusion, in 19 BBY, Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker and Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi landed on Nelvaan while searching for General Grievous, the leader of the Separatist Droid Army. Tuzes-Adaz came across the Jedi after they disrupted her eldest son's initiation ritual by killing a reptilian horax that the young boy had been hunting. Recalling a prophecy from the village shaman, Orvos, which stated that an off-worlder would arrive on Nelvaan and restore the Great Mother to health, she chose not to kill the Jedi. Instead, she decided to bring them back to Rokrul to meet with Orvos.
Tuzes-Adaz's decision proved crucial in saving her people from the Techno Union. Skywalker proceeded to destroy the Separatist facility, setting Nelvaan back on the path to recovery. He then facilitated the reunion of the women and children of Rokrul with their male warrior counterparts. Initially, the chieftain hesitated to welcome them back due to their mutated appearance. However, witnessing a child approach the mutated warriors without fear prompted Tuzes-Adaz and the other females to change their minds.

As the village chieftain, Tuzes-Adaz demonstrated wisdom and restraint when faced with the choice of either killing Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker or bringing them to Orvos. She opted for the latter after recalling the shaman's prophecy. Upon the return of the mutated Rokrul warriors, Tuzes-Adaz was initially hesitant to approach them. However, when a young child approached the mutated men without fear or discrimination, the chieftain, along with all the other women, swiftly shifted their attitude from shock to joy. Like her fellow villagers, Tuzes-Adaz possessed blue skin, black hair, and black eyes.
Tuzes-Adaz was typically seen wearing a long, brown sleeveless robe adorned with red, white, and black trim along the cuffs and collar. She also wore a large tribal shield mask, featuring the same colors and a face design on the front. She carried a staff topped with the head of a birdlike creature. Additionally, she wore bands around her wrists and neck.
Tuzes-Adaz debuted in Chapter 22 of the animated Star Wars: Clone Wars microseries, which was broadcast on Cartoon Network on March 22, 2005. Her name, "Tuzes-Adaz," was officially established in her entry within The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, published in 2008.