Two for One

title: Two for One

Originally featured in Star Wars Adventure Journal 15, "Two for One" is a short story penned by Paul Danner. It was published by West End Games back in November of 1997.

Story Summary

Cryle Cavv is meeting with his nephew, Sienn Sconn, at the Stock Lights cantina that he owns. Cavv, the more experienced thief, is trying to get Sconn to join him in a scheme to capture the Super Star Destroyer known as the Guardian. Cavv notices a Mixtwirk and a Rodian are listening in on their conversation. Cavv seizes the Mixtwirk's antennae, while Sconn points his wrist laser at the Rodian. To prevent a fight, Cavv pays for their meals and kicks them out of his establishment. He then convinces his nephew to meet with General Airen Cracken to discuss the proposed mission.

Cracken briefs the two thieves, providing all the information the New Republic possesses about the Guardian. He mentions that it sustained damage during the Battle of Tantive V, and military intelligence suggests its hyperdrive is damaged and non-operational. Cracken then establishes the New Republic Special Acquisitions Unit on the spot, appointing Cavv as its leader with Sconn as the only other member. The general explains that New Republic probe droids have detected several Lambda-class shuttles that once belonged to the Guardian appearing in Imperial territory, seemingly searching for hyperdrive parts for large capital ships. Cavv reveals that his sources have discovered an upcoming meeting on Vohai on the Vohai Unirail between a well-known black-market dealer named Burgo Teage and some Imperials seeking hyperdrive components. Cracken buys two tickets and sends the thieves off to act.

Cavv and Sconn travel to Vohai aboard a Corellian Translines SV-45 transport. Once they arrive, they board the unirail and head to the dining/casino car to await Teage's arrival. When the Herglic shows up, Cavv decides to get Teage drunk on Tatooine Sunburns, while Sconn goes to investigate the black marketer's suite. Upon entering, Sconn is attacked by Teage's Reigat assistant, Gronk. Sconn incapacitates the henchman by hitting him in the head with his stun-staff, breaking the weapon in the process.

Cavv keeps Teage supplied with drinks. When the Herglic becomes too drunk to return to his room, the thief offers to help him. He then hides the unconscious Herglic in a frozen seafood compartment and proceeds to the meeting in Teage's suite. He enters to find his nephew recovering from the fight with Gronk. They conceal Gronk's body in a closet and clean up in preparation for the Imperials. Shortly after their arrival, Teage recovers enough to return to the suite. He interrupts the meeting just as Gronk's barely conscious form falls out of the closet. The Imperials realize they've been tricked and start shooting. Following the firefight, Sconn suggests they abandon their plan, given they don't have the Imperials to fly the shuttle. Cavv proposes they imitate the Endor strike team and use the Imperial shuttle to sneak aboard the Guardian. Sconn initially refuses, but Cavv sadly tells the younger man to go home. Sconn changes his mind and surprises his uncle by boarding the shuttle before Cavv is ready to leave.

Upon reaching Soullex, the shuttle is hailed by the Guardian. Cavv disables the comm unit with blaster fire, and the shuttle is towed into the hangar. Meanwhile, a major on the Guardian's command deck informs Admiral Gaen Drommel about the shuttle's arrival. The admiral, angered by the interruption, goes to the bridge despite his orders. When the major doesn't understand why he's being reprimanded, the admiral shoots him.

Once inside the Guardian, Cavv and Sconn stun the stormtroopers who come to inspect the shuttle. They hide the bodies in a compartment, take their armor, and conceal themselves in a room off the hangar to disguise themselves. They are discovered by CT-EX, but Cavv manages to control the droid before it can raise an alarm.

Admiral Drommel joins the team searching the shuttle and sees the stunned stormtroopers being found. When Colonel Gastos Niovi begins to order a full search of the Star Destroyer, Drommel countermands the order. He figures out that the intruders are wearing the stormtroopers' armor.

Cavv tells Sconn that CT-EX has informed him that New Republic prisoners are being held in Detention Block 220 and they should rescue them to help capture the Guardian. Sconn is skeptical, but Cavv assures him that the detention block is the last place the Imperials would expect them to go. They disable the duty officer and search the cells.

Admiral Drommel is told by a senior tech that the hyperdrive parts are good and estimates the hyperdrive can be operational in 48 hours. Drommel demands it be repaired in 36. After the tech leaves, Niovi informs the admiral that the intruders are still at large, but Colonel Eijul is confident they'll be captured soon.

Cavv finds a half dozen New Republic soldiers captured after their ship exited hyperspace near the Guardian. He convinces them he's with the New Republic and frees them. Sconn discovers his former girlfriend, Shandria L'hnnar, is also being held. Sconn tries to talk to her, but she says it's not the right time. Cavv gathers all the New Republic personnel and explains his plan to go to the Guardian's engineering room to manually control the hyperdrive. He intends to program a quick jump to friendly space without fighting to the bridge. Before leaving, he contacts CT-EX to ensure the droid will carry out its part of the plan. They head to the engineering room, where Sconn stuns the tech working on the hyperdrive. He guards the remaining techs as Cavv tries to reprogram the hyperdrive. However, he fails and triggers a tamper alarm. Before they can react, Drommel and a group of stormtroopers and navy troopers capture them. The two thieves are taken to interrogation by Drommel, who threatens torture. Cavv overwhelms the Admiral with chatter until the Imperial, annoyed, sends them to a detention cell. As they are escorted, L'hnnar, disguised as a major, redirects the group to Detention Block 220, where the Imperials are imprisoned and their weapons given to the New Republic soldiers.

CT-EX makes his way to the auxiliary hyperdrive controls and bluffs his way past the guard. He reprograms the jump coordinates shortly before Drommel orders a test. When the Admiral engages the hyperdrive, the Super Star Destroyer jumps into a New Republic ambush. A small fleet, led by the New Republic cruiser Equity, bombards the Guardian with ion cannons. Captain Volahn contacts the Imperial ship and demands surrender. Drommel, enraged, orders a counter-attack when Cavv and the other New Republic operatives enter the bridge. He and Sconn try to convince the admiral to surrender peacefully, but Drommel orders all Imperials to open fire. Before a conflict can begin, Niovi shoots and kills the admiral, taking command of the Guardian. As acting commander, he surrenders the ship to the New Republic.

After the mission, Cavv, Sconn, and L'hnnar celebrate with dinner at Cavv's apartment. Cavv asks Sconn if he will take over the SAU since he is retiring. Sconn declines, preferring life as a freelancer. He and L'hnnar reaffirm their love.
