Tyne Albamon, a celestial entity, existed within the Tyne Albamon system, which itself resided in the Rseik sector of the Outer Rim Territories'. Following the Bordal Contagion of 214 BBY, the Trade Federation expanded into the Rseik sector, and within a decade they chose Tyne Albamon as the location for a storage depot to house diverse commodities. Captain Firmus Kett of the Trade Defense Force made reference to Tyne Albamon in his personal memoirs.

The original plan was for Tyne Albamon to appear in the 2012 reference work, The Essential Guide to Warfare, authored by Jason Fry together with Paul R. Urquhart. However, a sidebar containing information about this astronomical body was removed prior to the book's publication.
Subsequently, in 2014, the details concerning Tyne Albamon were revealed through Star Wars: The Essential Guide to Warfare Author's Cut. This was a collection of articles posted on the StarWars.com Blog by Fry and Erich Schoeneweiss, which featured content that had been excised from The Essential Guide to Warfare. The Online Companion to The Essential Atlas, a reference book from 2009, placed the Tyne Albamon system, and by extension the Tyne Albamon celestial object, within grid coordinate N-20.