The Tyria system existed within the Hevvrol sector, which itself was situated in the Trailing Sectors region of the Mid Rim. This system was the place where Tyrian hydraulic struts were first developed, along with the textiles known as Tyrian violet cloth and Tyrian shimmersilk.
A subtle reference to the Tyria system initially appeared in Star Wars: Episode I Incredible Cross-Sections, a 1999 reference book authored by David West Reynolds. It was not until the publication of The Essential Atlas in 2009, penned by Daniel Wallace and Jason Fry, that the system was officially named and located at grid coordinate P-15.
- Star Wars: Episode I Incredible Cross-Sections (Initial mention)
- Star Wars: Complete Cross-Sections (Only a tangential reference)
- The Essential Atlas (First time identified as the Tyria system)
- Star Wars: The Essential Atlas Online Companion on (article) (backup link)
- Star Wars: Complete Vehicles (Only a tangential reference)
- Star Wars: Complete Vehicles, 2016 edition (Only a tangential reference)