Tyrodall, a Devaronian smuggler of the male persuasion, existed during the era of the Cold War. He operated alongside Beryl Thorne as a business associate, and their joint venture brought them to Taris with the goal of locating artifacts that predated the planet's destruction. They succeeded in finding some of these artifacts and devising a plan to move them past the Republic's blockade; however, Tyrodall's patience with Beryl's innocence waned. Rather than maximizing profits by selling the artifacts on the black market, she chose to return them to the descendants of the original Tarisian inhabitants for a reduced price. Displeased with this diminished income, Tyrodall staged his own demise, attributing it to an attack by rakghouls, and then branched out to create his own independent enterprise, leaving Thorne to her own devices. Ultimately, his secret location was exposed, leading to a confrontation with a fellow smuggler, who brought about his death in the ensuing gun battle.