Ubrikkian star yacht

The Ubrikkian star yacht, a streamlined light cruiser, was manufactured by Ubrikkian Industries. Designed for rapid escapes, this yacht included a hyperdrive, but it lacked offensive weaponry, except for a pair of hidden proton torpedo launchers.

Before their capture in 24 BBY, the Slams, a criminal organization from Mamendin commanded by Roper Slam, possessed and traveled through their region of space utilizing a Ubrikkian star yacht. This cruiser had undergone extensive alterations by the Slams, featuring numerous secret compartments concealed within the ship's deck plating; these were used to conceal their illicit goods.

Subsequently, the Jedi Order acquired the Slams' star yacht from the Confiscation Station at the Greylands Security Complex. They then deployed it in an operation sending a Jedi squad disguised as the Slams, with the goal of locating the unstable and perilous scientist Jenna Zan Arbor.

