Roper Slam

title: Roper Slam

A young Humanoid male from the Core world of Mamendin, Roper Slam was a con artist and the founder of the Slam gang. This gang of skilled thieves gained notoriety for their theft of the Vuma treasury. Slam also possessed a Ubrikkian star yacht.

In 24 BBY, while working undercover on the planet Romin to capture Jenna Zan Arbor, Obi-Wan Kenobi assumed Slam's identity. During a lavish reception for the wealthy hosted by Romin's corrupt leader, "Great Leader Teda," Kenobi unexpectedly encountered Slam. They shared a glass of quint-berry juice, the popular Romin drink, in casual conversation. Kenobi described Slam as having "a tired, handsome face."

After escaping from the Greylands Security Complex on Tentator, the Slams sought refuge on Romin, where Teda sheltered galactic criminals in exchange for significant "donations" to his "charities." Because the Slams were incarcerated when the Romin mission began, the Jedi had seized Roper Slam's star yacht from the Greylands Confiscation Station. However, a revolt led by Joylin and his Citizens' Resistance resulted in the Slams being reunited with their ship. Joylin allowed Teda and Zan Arbor to escape, and Zan Arbor sent a request that both the impostor Slam gang and the real Slam gang answered. She wanted them to transport her and Teda off-world to join Granta Omega in a lucrative heist on Coruscant.

When the Jedi were discovered impersonating the criminals, Zan Arbor instructed Teda's officers to imprison them while she finalized her plans with the actual Slams. Joylin had prepared the Slams' yacht for departure the morning after the revolt, and it was the only vessel the Resistance permitted to leave the planet. Consequently, the Slams were Zan Arbor and Teda's sole means of escape. The Slams successfully piloted their ship out of Romin's airspace and fled to Falleen in the Mid Rim to continue their plans with Omega against the galactic capital and its Senate Building. During the attempted Bank of the Core Plaza heist and Senate murder operation (targeting Supreme Chancellor Palpatine and numerous Senators), Roper Slam and his accomplice Valadon were apprehended and returned to prison.

