
Valadon, born on the Core world of Mamendin, was a skilled identity thief, and a young Humanoid female who excelled in her profession.

As a key member of the Slam gang—a well-known group of highly skilled thieves who gained notoriety for their theft of the Vuma treasury—Valadon enhanced her naturally flirtatious personality with a provocative style of dress.

During 24 BBY, Siri Tachi went undercover on the planet Romin, assuming Valadon's identity in an effort to capture Jenna Zan Arbor.

In that same year, the actual Valadon found herself apprehended and sent back to prison after she and Roper Slam attempted to steal a large quantity of crystalline vertex. Their planned heist, which was part of a conspiracy involving galactic criminals Granta Omega and Jenna Zan Arbor, was scheduled to occur after the opening ceremony of the All Planets Relief Fund at the Bank of the Core Plaza, just before Omega and Zan Arbor's assassination attempt targeting Supreme Chancellor Palpatine within the Galactic Senate building.

