Ugmush, the Gamorrean captain of the _[Zicreex]](/article/zicreex), a Medium Cargo Hauler of the Subla Ransom, had a trio of husbands. She was known for her flamboyant style, mixing outlandish clothing from various worlds with eye makeup and diamond nose piercings. Her long hair was colored pink dyed, and her muscular arms and breasts displayed fifteen parasitic morrts, a Gamorrean status symbol signifying the host's strength and resilience. Unable to verbally communicate in Basic, Ugmush employed a [transliterator], using the alluring voice of holovid celebrity Amber Jevanche to convey her thoughts.
In 13 ABY, Ugmush enlisted the former Jedi Knight Callista Ming into her crew. After half a year, Ugmush and her crew journeyed back to Gamorr during slushtime. During this time, they found themselves entangled in a murder investigation after her brother, Guth, was wrongly accused. Callista intervened, uncovering the true culprit, a Kheilwar, and eliminating them.
At a later time, while located on Nim Drovis, a Gopso'o uprising forced her to escape the planet aboard her starship alongside the renowned droids C-3PO and R2-D2, as well as the Chadra-Fan journalist Yarbolk Yemm.
As they traversed the remote asteroid fields of the Drovian system, the Quarantine Enforcement Cruiser Lycoming intercepted and apprehended them.