
Uhanayih, a planet situated in the Yinchorri system, existed as a barren, desolate world in close proximity to the primary star of that system. The term "Uhanayih," which translates to "within world" in the Yinchorri language, held significance in the Yinchorri religion, being linked to the spiritual plane. As the Yinchorri intensified their technological advancements and military expansion, the High Command constructed a command center deep within the planet, thereby bestowing an additional layer of meaning upon its designation. In 33 BBY, amidst the events of the Yinchorri Uprising, Uhanayih became the target of an attack launched by the Navy belonging to the Galactic Republic.

Behind the scenes

While The New Essential Chronology and The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia identify Uhanayih as a moon orbiting Yinchorr, the narrative presented in Jedi Council: Acts of War explicitly establishes it as a planet.

