Unidentified Advanced Recon Commando (intelligence officer)

An Advanced Recon Commando functioned as a clone intelligence officer within the Grand Army of the Republic throughout the duration of the Clone Wars. After the initiation of the conflict in 22 BBY between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, this ARC trooper became a member of the Grand Army's Special Operations Brigade and, within a period of six months, gained authorization to present briefings from the headquarters of Republic Intelligence. This officer delivered one such briefing to two squads of clone commandos, assigning them a mission on Ord Mantell with the objective of recovering a package for Supreme Chancellor Palpatine from a group of Trandoshan bounty hunters. Despite the successful retrieval of the package, all of the men involved died during the operation, with the single exception of Sergeant Sarge.


The ARC officer briefing two commando squads before their mission

This Advanced Recon Commando was a Human male clone originating from the genetic template of the Mandalorian bounty hunter, Jango Fett. Raised on the planet of Kamino, he functioned as a member of the Grand Army of the Republic's distinguished special forces. In the aftermath of the Battle of Geonosis and the commencement of the galaxy-wide Clone Wars between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, the ARC trooper—along with his fellow ARC troopers—became integrated into the Republic's Special Operations Brigade as an intelligence officer.

By the time six months had passed in the war's first year, this ARC trooper had obtained the authority to conduct briefings at the headquarters of Republic Intelligence. It was in this role that he encountered two squads of clone commandos at Republic Intelligence headquarters, where he tasked them with a mission to the Mid Rim world of Ord Mantell. The officer detailed that a diplomatic package intended for Supreme Chancellor Palpatine from Malastare diplomats had been intercepted and subsequently stolen by a group of Trandoshan bounty hunters, who intended to sell it to the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Due to its importance, the ARC trooper assigned the two squads the task of traveling to Ord Mantell, recovering the package from the Trandoshans, and delivering it to the Republic capital of Coruscant. The package was successfully retrieved, and the Trandoshan mercenaries were killed. However, all of the commandos in both squads lost their lives during the mission, with the sole survivor being clone commando Sarge.

Personality and traits

Being a clone of Jango Fett, the ARC officer's height was 1.83 meters. Many ARC troopers received personal training as an ARC trooper from Fett himself, inheriting the Mandalorian's ruthless efficiency. These troopers were trained for self-sufficiency, though not complete independence, and were taught to rely on their own capabilities. The ARC officer wore a set of Phase I class armor, which included a blast-dampening kama and a rank-indicating pauldron; the armor was distinguished by yellow markings. He expected both squads of commandos to risk their lives to ensure the diplomatic package was successfully retrieved.

Behind the scenes

The ARC intelligence officer made his debut in the short story titled The Package, which was one of the four comics that were compiled in volume three of the Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures trade paperbacks. The character was brought to life by Ryan Kaufman and visually rendered by Matthew and Shawn Fillbach.

