The diplomats from Malastare considered The Package a highly prized item, presenting it as a gift to Supreme Chancellor Palpatine.
Two squads of clone commando were tasked with the perilous mission of recovering the package destined for Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. A squad under the command of Sarge and another squad were deployed to Ord Mantell in an attempt to intercept a group of mercenary Trandoshans who were transporting it.
The Trandoshans eliminated the second squad, leading to a pursuit by Sarge's squad that ended at a rendezvous with Separatist battle droid units. The unfortunate squad was reduced to only its commander, who used his combat knife to subdue and kill the Trandoshan leader.
After receiving the package, Palpatine privately disclosed its lack of value, treating it as a mere bauble to be stored with his other presents.