An elite special forces group known as a squad of clone commandos existed within the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. This unit consisted of four clones derived from the Mandalorian bounty hunter Jango Fett, and was under the command of Sarge. The squad was assigned to Ord Mantell six months following the start of the Clone Wars at Geonosis, which initiated the galaxy-wide conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Their mission was to retrieve a diplomatic package intended for Supreme Chancellor Palpatine from a Trandoshan bounty hunters gang that had stolen it, planning to sell it to the Confederacy. The Trandoshan mercenaries killed three of the four commandos during the mission; the squad's leader survived, eliminating the remaining Trandoshans and recovering the package as instructed.

Born on the aquatic world of Kamino, situated in the distant Wild Space region of the galaxy, the squad consisted of four clones derived from the Mandalorian bounty hunter Jango Fett. Following the commencement of the Clone Wars, they were trained as clone commandos and deployed against the Confederacy of Independent Systems as part of the Galactic Republic's Grand Army. The squad served within the Grand Army's Special Operations Brigade alongside their commando comrades, operating from Arca Company Barracks on Coruscant. Six months after the Battle of Geonosis, the soldiers of the squad, along with the commandos from another squad, were summoned to the headquarters of Republic Intelligence. There, an Advanced Recon Commando intelligence officer with yellow markings informed the squad that a diplomatic package from Malastare, intended for Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, had been stolen by a group of Trandoshan bounty hunters. The ARC trooper tasked the squad with traveling to Ord Mantell, where the bounty hunters planned to sell the package to the Confederacy, and recover the package from the Trandoshans.

On Ord Mantell, the other squad launched an ambush on the Trandoshan mercenaries in the street, but they were killed when the Trandoshans deployed multiple thermal detonators from their landspeeder during their escape attempt. Sarge, the squad's leader, ordered the ordnance specialist to use a missile launcher to destroy one of the Trandoshan speeders, while the squad sniper eliminated the pilot of a second speeder, causing it to crash. As the last speeder fled with the package, the squad pursued, boarding a speeder piloted by the squad's fourth member, tracking the bounty hunters towards the industrial yards. Upon arriving at an open courtyard, the squad split up to search for the Trandoshans, and the commando who piloted their speeder discovered them meeting with a squad of Confederacy battle droids. The droids opened fire on the soldier, resulting in his death.
The squad leader swiftly deployed an EMP grenade through the doorway, disabling the B1 and B2 battle droids. The squad then entered and destroyed the damaged droids using their DC-17m blaster rifles. After eliminating the droids, the commandos focused on a blast door at the building's rear. The squad's demolitions expert placed a charge on the door, creating an entrance for the soldiers.
The surprised Trandoshans sought cover behind their speeder as the clone commandos stormed the room, firing their weapons. One of the bounty hunters shot and killed the squad's explosives expert, but a grenade thrown by the squad leader killed the Trandoshans. However, the Trandoshan leader, who had been hiding, attacked from behind once the commandos lowered their guard. He fired a shot from his wrist blaster, hitting the ordnance module on the squad sniper's pack, causing it to detonate and kill the wearer. The blast knocked the squad leader down, and the Trandoshan leader attempted to escape, but the surviving commando tackled him. Grabbing him by the neck, the commando extended the vibroblade on his right hand's knuckle plate and stabbed the bounty hunter in the chest, declaring it was revenge for his squad's deaths. The squad leader then retrieved the package they had been sent to recover and solemnly departed to deliver it to Republic Intelligence as instructed.
The package was subsequently delivered to Chancellor Palpatine, who considered its contents insignificant and had Galactic Senate Vice Chair Mas Amedda place it in a storage closet with other similar political gifts. With his squad gone, Sarge3 was reassigned to a new commando unit, Aiwha Squad, which he led until the end of the Clone Wars and the rise of the Galactic Empire.
In 2005, The Package story in Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures Volume 3 of the Clone Wars Adventures comics introduced two squads of Republic commandos. The leader of one squad later appeared in the Clone Wars Adventures comic story Orders in Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures Volume 4, where he was identified as Sarge.