This clone commando sniper, a member of a squad in the Grand Army of the Republic's clone commando forces, participated in special forces operations for the Galactic Republic throughout the Clone Wars. As a clone created from the Mandalorian bounty hunter Jango Fett's DNA, this soldier was born on the aquatic world of Kamino. During a mission to the Mid Rim planet Ord Mantell, he served as the sniper for his squad. On Ord Mantell, he and his commando comrades battled a group of Trandoshan bounty hunters who had stolen a diplomatic package intended for Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. While he successfully eliminated several Trandoshan mercenaries, he met his death when enemy blasterfire struck the ordnance module on his backpack, causing it to explode and kill him. Sarge, the sniper's squad leader, grieved for his fallen brother before avenging him by killing the Trandoshan responsible and securing the stolen package.

Born on the aquatic planet of Kamino in the remote Wild Space region of the galaxy, this male Human was a clone derived from the genetic material of the Mandalorian bounty hunter Jango Fett. In the years that followed his creation, he underwent training as a clone commando to serve the Grand Army of the Republic. After the Battle of Geonosis, which marked the beginning of the Clone Wars between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, this clone soldier was deployed with the rest of the Grand Army. Like his fellow commando brethren, he became part of the Special Operations Brigade, a special forces unit within the Grand Army composed of clone commandos and Advanced Recon Commandos.
Months after the Geonosis conflict, this commando served in a squad under the leadership of clone commando Sarge. He and his squad, along with members of another squad, were summoned to Republic Intelligence headquarters. There, they met an ARC trooper intelligence officer clad in yellow-marked armor. The ARC trooper informed the assembled commandos that a package from Malastarian diplomats intended for Supreme Chancellor Palpatine had been intercepted and stolen by a band of Trandoshan bounty hunters. The eight commandos were then assigned to retrieve the stolen package from the Trandoshans, a mission set to take place on Ord Mantell.

On Ord Mantell, at midday, the commandos initiated their ambush. The sniper's squad positioned themselves on a rooftop, while the other squad blocked the street where the Trandoshans were traveling in landspeeders. Using his sniper rifle, this commando provided surveillance, identifying the target package aboard the second of three speeders being piloted by the bounty hunters. His squadmate launched a missile from a missile launcher, destroying the lead speeder and killing the Trandoshans inside. This strike served as the signal for the squad on the street to engage, rushing the target speeder. The Trandoshans retreated, throwing thermal detonators that exploded behind them, eliminating the attacking squad. However, the commando sniper successfully shot the pilot of the second retreating speeder in the head, resulting in the vehicle crashing in flames. The final speeder, carrying the package, sped toward the industrial yards, pursued by the sniper and his squad in their own speeder, piloted by the squad's fourth member.

The squad tracked the Trandoshan bounty hunters to a courtyard within the industrial yards and split up to search for the mercenaries. The pilot located the Trandoshans first, but was quickly killed by fire from a group of Confederacy battle droids sent to purchase the package. The squad leader threw an EMP grenade through the door, disabling the droids. He and the remaining members of his squad then stormed in, destroying the droids with their DC-17m blaster rifles. The Trandoshans retreated behind a secondary blast door, forcing the clone sniper and his team to blast their way through before engaging the bounty hunters. The squad's ordnance specialist was killed by Trandoshan fire, but a grenade thrown by the squad leader eliminated all but one of the remaining bounty hunters. The Trandoshan leader emerged from cover and fired at the sniper, striking the ordnance module on the commando's backpack. The resulting explosion killed the sniper. The squad leader, in anguish, reached out to his fallen brother, but realizing he was beyond help, attacked the final bounty hunter, pinning him down and ending his life with the vibroblade housed in his gauntlet's knuckle plate. The clone retrieved the package, ensuring its safe return to Coruscant and into the hands of Chancellor Palpatine.
During the Ord Mantell mission, this commando served as his squad's sniper. In addition to the standard DC-17m blaster rifle issued to all clone commandos, he carried a specialized sniper rifle with an extended barrel and stock, which he used with deadly accuracy. The commando also wore Katarn-class commando armor, decorated with blue color patches. His helmet was equipped with macrobinoculars, enhancing the advanced HUD system integrated into the helmet.
The third volume of the Clone Wars Adventures comics introduced two squads of Republic commandos in 2005, featuring the clone commander sniper in the story "The Package."