This particular being made his home in a cave, situated in the desolate desert landscape of a planet, where C-3PO and R2-D2 delivered cereal to him.
Reportedly, this figure draws inspiration from an unused alien design for Mos Eisley Cantina created by Ron Cobb. This design was featured in the 1979 printing of The Art of Star Wars, then later shown in The Art of Star Wars Classic Characters 1998 Calendar. The same drawing also appeared in the non-canonical book Monsters and Aliens from George Lucas.

Whether the costume was originally conceived for Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope based on Cobb's sketch, only to be discarded, or whether the character's design was revived and the costume then made for a Kellogg's C-3PO's cereal commercial, remains a mystery.

The notes accompanying Cobb's sketch describe the character as a strong and loyal arctic creature, resembling a mammal that consumes fish. These characteristics seem somewhat contradictory to the setting depicted in the commercial. However, since the character seems to be a rejected cantina patron, it is possible that the planet shown in the commercial was meant to be Tatooine, and not necessarily the character's native world.