Unidentified Arkanian doctor

An Arkanian physician was employed at a medical facility located within the city of Adascopolis on the planet of Arkania. This physician received a blood specimen from Jarael, who was secretly an Arkanian Offshoot—a sub-species of Arkanian that had been genetically-altered and was prohibited from the strictly-segregated city—and was tasked with its examination. The physician, after promoting a novel product from Adascorp, discerned that the blood originated from an Offshoot and paused before fulfilling Jarael's request. Observing this hesitation, Jarael offered the physician a bribe and invoked his professional identity as a medical man. The physician then consented and departed for a few minutes to conduct the sample's analysis.

The blood analysis determined that the sample came from Gorman Vandrayk, a former Adascorp scientist. Vandrayk, currently known as Camper, was required by Arkoh Adasca, the chief executive of both Adascorp and the House of Adasca, for an upcoming endeavor. Adasca commanded the Adascopolis security forces to apprehend Jarael, recognizing her as the most direct avenue to locating Vandrayk. The physician was also directed to delay Jarael, providing sufficient time for the Adascopolis forces' arrival. When the physician's attempt to deceive Jarael into remaining failed, the Arkanian Offshoot tried to depart but was stopped. In self-defense, Jarael seized the physician and propelled him towards the approaching group of guards.

