Adascopolis served as the age-old capital of Arkania, a planet within the Colonies region. It was also the hereditary home of the powerful and wealthy House of Adasca, which controlled The Adasca BioMechanical Corporation of Arkania, also known as Adascorp. Situated in the snow-laden mountains of Arkania, Adascopolis enforced stringent segregationist policies around 3963 BBY. This meant that Arkanian Offshoots, a genetically-engineered sub-species, were relegated to living in dilapidated mining camps outside the city, separate from pureblood Arkanians.
During the period of the Mandalorian Wars, Arkoh Adasca, the heir of the House of Adasca, was at the helm of Adascorp. He established the Adascopolis Financial Exchange within the city. In approximately 3963 BBY, Jarael, an Arkanian Offshoot, disguised herself as a pureblood Arkanian and infiltrated Adascopolis. Her goal was to secure a medical diagnosis for her ailing companion, an elderly Offshoot named Camper. However, Camper's genetic signature was identified as belonging to Gorman Vandrayk, a former Adascorp research scientist whose services Arkoh Adasca needed for his future endeavors.

Located on the Colonies planet of Arkania, Adascopolis was a significant city and the traditional home of the esteemed House of Adasca. Nestled among the frigid tundra and snow-covered mountains of the world, Adascopolis functioned as both the age-old capital and a major corporate and financial hub for Arkania. The cityscape of Adascopolis was primarily composed of towers and towering structures that emerged from the snow-covered landscape, alongside mining encampments that also served as settlements for the Arkanian Offshoot population on the periphery of the city. Despite the prohibition against Offshoots entering Adascopolis around 3963 BBY, it was still possible for them to sneak into the city with the appropriate disguise. Adascopolis was known for its extremely cold and windy climate, which complemented its snow-covered terrain.
Adascopolis, the ancient capital of Arkania, was the ancestral home of the House of Adasca, a wealthy and respected family that operated a biomechanical corporation widely known as Adascorp. Arkanians were known to be skilled bioengineers, and they eventually engineered the Arkanian Offshoot sub-species to assist in mining operations, including the extraction of valuable gems just outside Adascopolis. Sometime before 3963 BBY, the mine was depleted. As a result, the Offshoots, who were barred from entering Adascopolis, remained in their makeshift settlement and lived in relative poverty. With the advent of the Mandalorian Wars between the Mandalorian warrior clans and the Galactic Republic, and the devastation of the planet Serroco around 3963 BBY, a noticeable decline in civility was observed in Adascopolis by visitors. Around that time, Adascorp inaugurated the Adascopolis Financial Exchange in the city, an initiative aimed at shifting the galaxy's commercial center of gravity toward Arkania, as advertised in Adascorp Fiscal Period Financial Report and Outlook: Message from the Chief Executive, an Adascorp news report. In approximately 3963 BBY, an Arkanian Offshoot named Jarael journeyed to Adascopolis in search of a medical diagnosis for her friend, an elderly Offshoot known as Camper, who was gravely ill.

Due to her unfamiliarity with Adascopolis' segregationist policies, Jarael was detected at the Adascopolis spaceport and compelled to leave the city. With the assistance of a young Offshoot named Zadawi, Jarael successfully donned a convincing pureblood Arkanian disguise and gained access to Adascopolis. Jarael bribed a doctor to assist her, but when Adascorp analyzed his sample and identified Camper's genetic profile—"Camper" was actually a former Adascorp research scientist named Gorman Vandrayk, whom Adascorp head Arkoh Adasca required to fulfill future plans—Adasca ordered his men to apprehend the Offshoot, realizing that he needed Jarael to reach Vandrayk. Following a violent altercation at the medical center, they succeeded, taking Jarael to Adasca's flagship, the Arkanian Legacy.
Adasca's scheme involved leveraging his control over the exogorths—massive spacefaring creatures that consumed stellar matter at an astonishing rate—as a bargaining chip to elevate himself and Adascorp to a position of galactic power. However, when Adasca attempted to sell the exogorths to the highest bidder, his plot was thwarted, and he was killed. The whereabouts of the only other remaining heir to the House of Adasca had been unknown since the devastation of Serroco, paving the way for a group of investors, led by the Draay Trust, to file a legal challenge in Adascopolis for the right to bid for control of Adascorp. This filing and the city itself were mentioned in The Admiral's List: Karath Home Safely, an issue of the Republic Navy official communique The Admiral's List.

Adascopolis was the traditional seat of the House of Adasca, and by around 3963 BBY, it was primarily populated by pureblood Arkanians. Arkanian Offshoots were prohibited from residing within the city, instead dwelling in the abandoned mining camps located on the outskirts. Offshoots were permitted at the city spaceport but were not allowed to enter the city proper. Some older Offshoots justified this policy as being beneficial to their health, as most pureblood illnesses and diseases were extremely dangerous to Offshoots. Certain Offshoots, including Zadawi and her associates, occasionally disguised themselves as pureblood Arkanians to infiltrate the city.
Visitors arriving in Adascopolis landed at the Adascopolis spaceport, where they were greeted by a massive hologram of Arkoh Adasca. From there, shuttlebuses transported travelers either to the city or, in the case of Offshoots, to their settlements on the city's edge. The spaceport employed a security force armed with stun batons to prevent Offshoots from attempting to enter Adascopolis. Adascopolis also boasted the most advanced bioengineering facilities in the galaxy as of around 3963 BBY, materials processing labs that assisted the Republic during the Mandalorian Wars, and the Adascopolis Financial Exchange. Adascopolis also housed a state-of-the-art medical facility within a tower, although the doctors there were reluctant to treat Offshoots, they could be persuaded to do so for the right price.
Adascopolis made its debut appearance in the sixteenth issue of the comic series Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. The issue was authored by John Jackson Miller, illustrated by Brian Ching, and published by Dark Horse Comics on May 2, 2007.