Zadawi, a female Arkanian Offshoot, resided near the city of Adascopolis, the ancient capital on the planet of Arkania. This occurred during the Mandalorian Wars. Due to Arkania's policies of segregation, which separated Offshoots from pureblood Arkanians, Zadawi was obligated to live in a small hut with her father and grandmother, located at a defunct mining camp just outside Adascopolis, a city they were prohibited from entering. Zadawi, rebellious and angered by the discrimination against her people, frequently disguised herself and her friends to sneak into Adascopolis.
In 3963 BBY, Zadawi encountered Jarael, an Offshoot unfamiliar with the struggles of the Offshoots, who was attempting to obtain a medical diagnosis for a sick friend. When Jarael was denied entry to Adascopolis, Zadawi took it upon herself to educate Jarael about the life of Offshoots on Arkania and brought her to her home. Eventually, Zadawi assisted Jarael in disguising herself as a pureblood Arkanian, enabling her to sneak into Adascopolis.

During the [Mandalorian Wars](/article/mandalorian_wars], a female Arkanian Offshoot named Zadawi made her home on the planet of Arkania. The Offshoots, Zadawi's people, were a sub-species bioengineered by pureblood Arkanians to enhance their mining efficiency, yet they experienced considerable discrimination on Arkania. By 3963 BBY, Zadawi resided with her father and grandmother in a hut located at an abandoned mining site on the outskirts of Adascopolis, the ancient capital city of Arkania. Like other Offshoots, Zadawi was barred from entering the city. However, over the years, she and her companions routinely donned clothing as disguises and secretly entered Adascopolis. The maltreatment of Offshoots by pureblood Arkanians, compounded by what she perceived as a resigned attitude among her people, frequently sparked a desire in Zadawi to escape. One day in 3963 BBY, she resolved to visit the Adascopolis spaceport, possibly seeking a way to leave the planet. There, she bumped into another Offshoot, Jarael, an offworlder unfamiliar with her surroundings. The collision dislodged Jarael's goggles, alerting spaceport security to her Offshoot status, leading them to force her onto the shuttlebus bound for Zadawi's settlement outside the city.
On the shuttlebus, Zadawi became acquainted with Jarael, who had journeyed to Arkania from offworld to secure a medical diagnosis for her friend, an elderly Offshoot known as Camper. Appalled by Jarael's lack of awareness regarding her people's plight, Zadawi invited her to her home for dinner. Eager to demonstrate to Jarael the reality of life for Offshoots on Arkania, Zadawi engaged in an argument with her grandmother when the latter defended the House of Adasca, the affluent and influential pureblood Arkanian family that managed the biomechanical corporation Adascorp, along with Arkania's segregationist policies. Frustrated, Zadawi decided to assist Jarael in sneaking into Adascopolis to "outsmart the purebloods." Zadawi helped Jarael acquire a convincing pureblood Arkanian disguise, which successfully granted her safe passage into Adascopolis.

Zadawi, a rebellious girl, felt revulsion at the treatment of her people on Arkania and possessed a strong desire to contribute to resolving the issues faced by the Offshoots. She and her friends were consistently prepared to defy regulations and create problems for the purebloods, which included dressing up in disguise to secretly enter Adascopolis. Zadawi felt disheartened by the forgiving attitude toward Adascorp and the purebloods that she observed among many Offshoots, including her grandmother. Believing that they had become complicit in their own degradation, Zadawi frequently wished to abandon them all, but she understood that escaping would not contribute to improving their situation.
Zadawi held Adascorp in low regard, convinced that they would prioritize assisting strangers for money over aiding Offshoots suffering in their own backyard. Zadawi believed it was her duty to demonstrate to Jarael, an offworlder unfamiliar with the circumstances on Arkania, the true nature of life for Offshoots on their homeworld. Initially, Zadawi was shocked by the extent of Jarael's ignorance, but she befriended her regardless and ultimately assisted her in sneaking into Adascopolis. Zadawi had white hair, white skin, and blue eyes and wore four earrings on each ear.
Zadawi's initial appearance occurred in the sixteenth issue of the Knights of the Old Republic comic series. John Jackson Miller authored the issue, Brian Ching provided the illustrations, and Dark Horse Comics published it on May 2, 2007. Ching conceived the design of Zadawi after Miller tasked him with creating a character who would "hold up a mirror" to Jarael, reflecting what her life would have been like had she been raised on Arkania.