Unidentified B1-series battle droid foreman

A re-purposed B1-series battle droid held the position of foreman on Plazir-15 in the time of the New Republic Era. This droid supervised several B2-series super battle droids that were modified to lift heavy objects. The foreman, after noticing documentation of malfunctioning droids on Plazir-15, ensured the B2 loaders received verified maintenance. Following this action, he was interrogated by Lady Bo-Katan Kryze as Din Djarin began interacting with some of the B2 battle droids. After responding to Kryze's inquiries, the droid cautioned Djarin to avoid interacting with the droids, explaining that despite their re-certification, their original design for combat could still present hazards. Subsequently, Djarin shoved a B2 droid, causing it to run away before being engaged by Kryze and Djarin, who immediately gave chase. Kryze scoffed at the foreman's assertion that the loaders were re-certified, and the droid reiterated his warning to Djarin about interfering with the loader as Kryze joined Djarin in the pursuit.

