A male Human child with red hair resided with his mother in the city of Theed on the serene planet of Naboo. In 32 BBY, the year the Trade Federation launched their Invasion of Naboo, the boy was separated from his mother during the initial phases of the invasion and found himself cornered in a kitchen by battle droids.
At the time, the Jedi Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi happened to be in Theed and encountered the boy's mother. He pledged to locate the boy, and subsequently discovered the boy's hiding spot and instructed him to return to his mother. The Jedi then escorted the boy back to his mother.
The boy is a character featured in the Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace video game, which is the 1999 video game adaptation of the Episode I film. When playing as Kenobi, the player has the option to encounter this boy during the game's fifth mission. The player has the ability to engage in conversation with the boy using various dialogue options and can also opt to advise him to remain where he is. This article operates under the assumption that the player successfully completed the side-quest. Instructions on how to complete the side-quest are provided in The game's strategy guide. The voice of the "Lost Human Boy" is credited to Mary Kay Bergman.