A Human female, residing in the city of Theed on the tranquil planet Naboo, lived with her son. Her complexion was light-skinned, and she had brown hair and eyes. In 32 BBY, the Trade Federation launched an invasion of the planet, and the mother became separated from her son when the Trade Federation Droid Army advanced into Theed. The boy sought refuge in a kitchen nearby, while the mother went back to her residence to await his return.
Obi-Wan Kenobi, a Jedi Padawan, encountered the mother while he was escorting the Queen of Naboo through Theed. The Jedi entered her dwelling. The woman, in distress, recounted her predicament to Kenobi. The Jedi consented to assist, located her son in the vicinity, and subsequently reunited the boy with his mother. The mother expressed her gratitude by saying to Kenobi, "May the Force be with you," and she then gifted the Jedi with a medpac.
Later on, during the concluding phases of the invasion, the Queen entered the woman's abode and discovered a concealed blaster cannon.
The woman is featured in the Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace video game, a video game adaptation from 1999 of the Episode I film. The player, assuming the role of Kenobi, can encounter this woman during the game's fifth mission. The player has the option to converse with the woman, using various dialogue choices, and can choose to search for her son or decline to help her. This article operates under the assumption that the player successfully located the boy and brought him back to his mother. The game's strategy guide details the steps to complete this side-quest. She makes another appearance in her home during the game's ninth mission, when the player controls Amidala. The voice of "Concerned Mother" is provided by Carolyn Seymour.