Unidentified clone trooper 2 (Prosecutor)

A clone trooper participated in the Clone Wars as part of the Galactic Republic, fighting against the Confederacy of Independent Systems, a separatist organization. During 21 BBY, this individual found himself aboard the assault ship named Prosecutor, where Trandoshans initiated a boarding action, leading to the trooper's disappearance. When the vessel resurfaced in the Corbantis system located within the Chaykin Cluster, he encountered clone commando Boss. Boss aided the trooper, along with two other surviving clones, in repelling the attacking Trandoshans. After the Trandoshan incursion was suppressed, Boss instructed the trooper to maintain his position and defend against any subsequent assaults.


This clone trooper originated as a clone derived from the Mandalorian bounty hunter, Jango Fett. He underwent cloning and training on Kamino, a planet largely covered in water. He functioned as a clone trooper within the Grand Army of the Republic throughout the Clone Wars, a conflict pitting the Republic against the Confederacy of Independent Systems. In the year 21 BBY, the Corbantis system incident unfolded; the trooper (Prosecutor) was stationed on the Prosecutor when Trandoshan mercenaries seized control.

The clone trooper, accompanied by two fellow troopers, was positioned in a corridor, defending the area against Trandoshan forces with the support of automated defense turrets. During this engagement, they encountered the clone commando known as Boss, who offered assistance in the defense effort. Boss successfully prevented a Trandoshan from re-targeting the turrets against the troopers. Following this event, the clone expressed his stress through a sarcastic remark directed at Boss, who responded by reminding the trooper about the importance of respecting the chain of command. Boss then issued an order to the group of clones, instructing them to hold their position while he investigated the source of the Trandoshan presence.

Behind the scenes

This clone trooper made his debut appearance in Star Wars: Republic Commando, a first–person shooter game developed by LucasArts. The game was launched in the year 2005.

