Unidentified cloning technician

An Imperial cloning technician, identified as male, was stationed at the cloning center located in Timira City on the planet of Kamino, circa 1 BBY. This technician's duties included observing clones, notably Subject 1157, a replica of the Human male named Galen Marek. Initially, Subject 1157 showed significant advancement, which pleased the technician as it contributed to scientific advancement. The technician provided the clone with memory imprints. However, Subject 1157's actions progressively became uncontrollable, leading the technician to worry that the clone would devolve into an aberration. Later that year, during the Assault on Kamino, Subject 1138, an individual with Force-wielding abilities, killed Subject 1157.


The cloning technician kept observation logs while Subject 1157 developed consciousness.

Around the time of 1 BBY year, a male cloning technician, serving the Imperial regime, was employed at the cloning installation situated in Timira City on the planet of Kamino. This technician's responsibilities included monitoring various test subjects, among them Subject 1157, who was a clone of Darth Vader's apprentice, the Human male known as Galen Marek.

The technician maintained detailed observation logs concerning Subject 1157 throughout the clone's different developmental stages. The technician documented 1157's attainment of consciousness and physical stability, while also noting the clone's experience of tremors. In his 25th entry pertaining to 1157, the technician indicated Darth Vader's impending visit due to the project's success, expressing his satisfaction with the scientific advancements he was facilitating. Furthermore, the technician kept watch over 1157 as the clone, mirroring his original template, exhibited Force sensitivity. The technician administered genetic memory imprints to the clone during his development. Subject 1157 was troubled by what he called "hallucinations", necessitating the use of systematic restraints to manage the resulting tremors. Consequently, the technician initiated novel desensitization procedures. By the 65th entry, the technician posited that the clone's erratic behavior would lead to aberration, prompting him to experiment with new sedation methods. He was, at that juncture, uncertain about the optimal course of action.

Subsequently, Kamino faced an attack, leading to an evacuation order for the facility. In his 78th entry, the technician noted that, under Darth Vader's command, they were abandoning non-viable test subjects, with 1157 slated for release from his tank to assess the imprint's efficacy. The technician voiced his hope that his life's work would not be in vain. However, before Subject 1157 could be released, an individual identified by the technician as Subject 1138 struck 1157's tank with a Force push, resulting in the clone's demise.

Personality and traits

The cloning technician took pride in his work and believed he was contributing to a greater cause through the development of test subjects such as 1157. The technician possessed a strong command of medical terminology and cloning procedures, although he admitted to being unsure how to proceed when faced with Subject 1157's aberrations.

Behind the scenes

During the summer of 2010, the cloning technician was featured as a character on the official website for the LucasArts Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II video game before the site underwent a transformation into an interactive database, leading to the removal of the content in which he appeared. The technician provided audio entries detailing the development of Subject 1157 for listeners. This content was also accessible through the Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II cloning tank website, and the final video remains active on that site.


  • Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II Official Site on LucasArts.com (content now obsolete; backup link)
  • Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II cloning tank on LucasArts.com (content now obsolete; backup link)

Notes and references
