Unidentified creature (Keeper's World)

Unidentified entities, resembling humanoids and covered in pink fur, populated Keeper's World and posed a danger to anyone who landed there.

Biology and appearance

A species characterized by pink fur resided on Keeper's World. Their size was immense, with fully grown individuals easily reaching a height of 15 meters. Their form was humanoid, featuring two arms each ending in three fingers and an opposable thumb, along with two legs terminating in feet with four toes. They possessed a trio of entirely blue eyes, with a pair positioned on either side of their nose and a third located centrally on their forehead. A complete set of sharp teeth indicated a carnivorous diet, complemented by a slender blue tongue. They had two pointed ears, placed high upon their heads. A dense collar of fur covered their shoulders and upper back, and their entire body was covered in pink fur from head to toe.

The cyclops variant of the Keeper's World creature

Another comparable species had previously inhabited the planet, sharing similarities except for possessing only a single visible eye in the middle of its forehead, lacking the thick fur ruff around the shoulders, and having only two fingers and an opposable thumb. This variation might have represented a subspecies, or perhaps a form of variation within the overall species.

Behavior and intelligence

Their diet was carnivorous. The immense size of the adults necessitated large prey, but the smaller juveniles often considered human-sized beings as suitable food. The adults displayed limited tolerance for such activities, frequently discouraging the juveniles from pursuing prey deemed insignificant. Despite this, they often exhibited aggression toward any external beings. These beings showed no fear of fire.

A significant familial connection existed between parent and offspring. Although the juveniles might venture far and hunt independently, the parent would train them in appropriate conduct and supervise them when together. While this social interaction suggested some level of intelligence, it did not seem to reach true sentience.


The Keeper maintained complete authority over Keeper's World and bore the responsibility of repairing the world's damage in preparation for the return of the Keeper's makers. To prevent alien visitors from disrupting her efforts, the Keeper intentionally made her world unwelcoming to outsiders. The carnivorous humanoids contributed to this hostile environment. The Keeper did not reveal whether she directly created these entities or whether they emerged naturally within the environment she cultivated. The Keeper disclosed that the one-eyed variant of these humanoids had previously startled explorers who landed on the planet, prior to the events of the Battle of The Keeper's World.

During the Battle of The Keeper's World, a Rebel contingent consisting of Princess Leia Organa, Luke Skywalker, C-3PO, and R2-D2 crash-landed on Keeper's World while evading the forces of the Galactic Empire. A juvenile entity attacked them, but was stopped when R2-D2 alerted its mother, who deemed the humans too small a meal for her offspring to bother with.

