Unidentified cyborg pilot

During the era of the New Republic, a cyborg who was a Human male piloted the heavily modified T-65B X-wing starfighter known as the Bail Jumper. This cyborg's transformation had the unfortunate side effect of cybernetic psychosis, which caused him to be mentally unstable. Due to his compromised mental condition, in 24 ABY he piloted his vessel to the Yavin system, believing that the Tenloss Syndicate had instructed him to stop the Subpro Corporation from acquiring the Onyx Star, a Z-95 Headhunter prototype that had been pilfered five decades prior. Upon entering the system, the cyborg came across and promptly engaged the Z-95 named Crystal, which was being piloted by Jedi apprentice Jaina Solo while she was on her way to a family holiday. The cyborg disregarded Solo's claims and became certain that her fighter was the Onyx Star. Following a short dogfight between the two, the Bail Jumper was obliterated, and the cyborg had no choice but to eject into space.

