An Eodon existed on the Forest Moon of Endor around 3 ABY. This particular Eodon lost its tusks at some point. These tusks then came into the hands of a merchant called Mooth, who ran a trading post located on the moon. Eventually, the tuskless Eodon made its way to Mooth's establishment. There, it learned that its missing tusks were now held by four young Ewoks: Kneesaa a Jari Kintaka, Latara, Teebo, and Wicket Wystri Warrick. The Eodon requested the return of its tusks, and the Ewoks gave them back.
Michael Reaves, a writer, conceived this Eodon for the "Hard Sell" episode. This episode was part of the Ewoks animated series and was initially broadcast on October 25, 1986, during the show's second season. The voice for this unnamed Eodon was provided by an actor who was not credited.