A high prefect, belonging to the intendant caste within the Yuuzhan Vong empire of the Yuuzhan Vong, commanded the Praetorite Vong. This vanguard force was created in anticipation of their invasion of the galaxy. During the Battle of Helska IV, the majority of the Praetorite Vong's military strength was decimated when the New Republic's military launched an offensive, obliterating the Praetorite Vong's base located on Helska IV, a planet situated in the Outer Rim Territories.
The Wizards of the Coast sourcebook Galaxy of Intrigue, released in 2010 for the Star Wars Roleplaying Game, featured the high prefect's introduction. Although the sourcebook indicates that the high prefect functioned as the Praetorite Vong's commander, it also names Prefect Da'Gara as the leader of the force. This article proceeds under the assumption that the high prefect was indeed in charge of the Praetorite Vong.