A species of self-aware rock and [crystal](/article/crystal/legends] lifeforms were native inhabitants of the planet called Hurikane. These beings were sentient.
Mace Windu, during 58 BBY and prior to constructing his personal lightsaber as a Padawan, journeyed to Hurikane. His purpose was to engage in discussions with this species, with the potential goal of acquiring special lightsaber crystals from them. The initial stages of the expedition were problematic, leading to Windu being pursued by numerous individuals of this species.
The young Padawan, witnessing one of his chasers plummet into a canyon, reversed his course and employed the Force to mend the creature's fractured form. As an act of thankfulness, Mace was gifted a quantity of the crystals extracted from the being's own body—the very Hurrikane crystals he was after.