
Hurikane, a world situated within the uncharted regions of Wild Space, was categorized as a planet. This celestial body served as the home for a unique species of sentient beings constructed from stone and purple Hurrikaine crystals, exhibiting a physical form that bore a resemblance to insects.

In the year 58 BBY, a Padawan known as Mace Windu was dispatched on a mission to Hurikane to engage in diplomatic talks with these crystalline entities and potentially acquire a quantity of their unique crystals. Following a turn of events that led to conflict, Windu found himself pursued by a group of the planet's inhabitants. During this pursuit, one of the natives plummeted into a ravine and suffered shattering. Recognizing his misstep, the youthful Jedi in training employed the Force to mend the shattered form of the being, reassembling it. Overwhelmed with thankfulness, the being gifted Mace crystals from its own body, which he then used to construct the purple blade of his lightsaber.

Behind the scenes

The "Hurrikaine" crystals make an appearance in Knights of the Old Republic II, and they exhibit many qualities that are linked to Mace Windu's lightsaber, such as its distinctive purple hue. Even though it has not been officially verified, it is reasonable to infer that Hurrikaine crystals originate from Hurikane, despite the slight difference in spelling.

