Unidentified jungle world (Torch Nebula)

A planet, situated at the fringes of the Torch Nebula, a type of nebula found in the Outer Rim Territories of the galaxy, existed as an uncharted jungle environment. Biologists working for the Hutt Cartel suspected that this planet was the original homeworld of the lurker, an amphibious bipedal creature first documented in the broader galaxy around 3840 BBY.

Behind the scenes

This jungle world initially appeared in the lurker entry of the Codex within Star Wars: The Old Republic, a video game published by BioWare during 2011. The Essential Atlas, a 2009 reference work, located the Torch Nebula, and consequently this nameless planet, in grid square P-19. After the April 25, 2014 cessation of the Star Wars Legends narrative, the lurkers' homeworld was brought back into the new Star Wars canon and named Judakann in Poe Dameron: Free Fall, a 2020 book authored by Alex Segura.

